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Why I Decided to Run for Texas House District 9

In 2022 I was proud to be a delegate to the Texas Republican Convention.  I left the convention excited about the priorities we had set for the Texas legislature in 2023.  In November, the state sent 86 Republicans and 64 Democrats to the Texas House of Representatives. Here is what followed:


  1. The House re-elected the liberal Dade Phelan as Speaker. Disappointing.

  2. Speaker Phelan retained Hugh Brady as the House Parliamentarian.

    • Mr. Brady had served as general counsel for the White House Office of Administration under President Barack Obama and has a long history of voting and working for Democrats. 

  3. Speaker Phelan appointed eight Democrats to chair various committees.

    • By using these Democrat Chairs and Mr. Brady as Parliamentarian, the House leadership managed to kill many critical Republican priorities, including adding security, transparency and confidence to our election process.

  4. On Memorial Day weekend, after less than 48 hours of notification, the House of Representatives abused the impeachment process to temporarily remove our elected Attorney General. 

    • This was done with no evidence, no sworn testimony, and no opportunity for the Attorney General to cross-examine witnesses or provide evidence of his potential innocence. 

  5. Much to my dismay, our current Representative Trent Ashby voted for the Articles of Impeachment, in spite of no due process in place. The frustration throughout our House District 9 was obvious. 


Whenever we outnumber the opposition 86 to 64 and we can’t implement our most critical priorities, something is defective with the leadership.  I am running to help change the current leadership and implement conservative priorities that are important to us in House District 9 and in Texas.  The time is now to bring change!

Paulette Carson

Voting Tools for March 5th:

Don't Be Deceived - See For Yourself!

Make sure you know where your Texas House Reps stand and

what they are voting for while they are in session.  Here are a couple of great resources to see whether your Representative is serving their constituents or someone else.

Grassroots America We the People website
Texas Scorecard website

Get Involved

Join Paulette in the Fight to Revive Texas Values!

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Carson for Texas

PO Box 196

Apple Springs TX 75926

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